Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Girl who cried flood.

One day a little girl was given a job, to watch over the town from floods. One morning the girl grew tired so she called out flood and all of the towns people ran around scearming. The girl fell over laughing and one of the towns people saw her so he ask why was she laughing she said she lied he said you will be sorry. The next two days went by slow and the girl grew tired again so she called out flood and she watch them run around and her mom told her she will be sorry. It has been three weeks and the girl called out flood again and everybody ran around and her dad said no one will belive you next time. One day in the middle of Spring the girl really saw a big wave coming to the small Iland, so she called out flood. But no one belived her so she ran to the tallest and stongest tree and held on to it. After the flood the girl was very sad because everyone was dead but her.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Death is beauty or pain, When you can't see, can't smell, can't hear, because death is stuck in a airless hole.


A old strong tree, A leafe falls down, The bell rings and kids start to scream and run.


Lemon yellow leaves, Bright noisy morning, Warm fall day, Felt like singing and dancing home.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thy artist Akira

I am Poem….

I am a silly girl who loves art.

I wonder how long I will live (I hope a long time)

I hear the world calling my name.

I see a better world calling me.

I want to be happy, not sad.

I am gold and not dust.

I pretend I have many friends

I feel I have to save planet Earth

I touch the stars and I fall back down

I worry that one day this planet will go to dirt

I cry if I am grounded

I am gold and not dust

I understand that life is hard

I say I am super smart in a way

I dream about magic and life

I try to do my homework, but sometimes I can’t

I hope I will find an easy road

I am gold and not dust

Friday, September 3, 2010

All In One Day

All in one day. We went to see the ocean, but on the way we seemed to walk into the watermelon patch. That was close to the Humbolt Bay. But didn't get to see the Humbolt Bay or the ocean's wave. All we did that day was lay out on the famer's dry out hay all dame day.


A small speckled visitor wearing a crimson cape, brighter than a cherry, smaller than a grape. A palka dotted some one walking on my wall, A blackhooded lady in a scarlet shawl.